Gravity - Pixie Lott

Today we researched various artist in order to discover what artist would we like to base our singer on. We decided Pixie Lott, an English recording artist, would be a fantastic inspiring artist to study due to her blonde flirtatious innocent yet sexy attitude and sense of style. Also due to Pixie Lott being a very young artist ( 18 years old ) she is easy to relate to. We would like our chosen singer in Butterflies to have this sense of independence and flirtatious attitude just like Pixie Lott does.

Through looking at Pixie Lott's music videos and songs we selected certain videos which inspire and motivate us. Such as "Gravity" Which was released in March 2010 has key aspects which we would like to try to portray in our music video. Such as the attractive backing dancers mirroring and copying the main artists dance motifs. We decided since the lyrics of Butterflies are about the music always being there to support and free people we need a scene of people and the artist dancing to the music to highlight the fact that it frees people calms and supports people. Below is a Screen Grab of Pixie Lott and her two backing dancers. You notice that the backing dancers costumes are not as revealing or flattering as Pixie Lotts' costume. This has been done in order to make her stand out from the other dancers and to look more attractive and sexier than them, which therefore makes her look more like a "star" when compared to ordinary people.

By watching the "Gravity" we noticed a number of shots which was of Pixie Lott singing and flirting with the camera whilst she was lying on her back on a mirrored floor the constant eye contact with the camera created a sense of voyeurism. we have decided we would attempt to achieve a similar effect like this in our music video. Here is a screen Grab of the Shot which will try to recreate, yet make our own below.

Furthermore there is also a number of shots where Pixie is dressed in a red leotard with red material flowing off around her in a black background. These shots suggested the artists are being very innocent and delicate as well as showing she has a number of talents, ( Balletic dancing). The idea of soft light flowing material showing soft edges and with the artist in the middle of all of this gave us an idea to have our artist dancing doing leaps pirates and jumps whilst wearing flowing material and whilst holding long coloured ribbons. Perhaps we could have dancers twirling around our artist with the ribbons in circular motions making our artist the focus point in the shot...? Below is a photo from the music video where the red material is being used.