Preliminary task

For our Preliminary task we had to create a slow and fast sequence to two separate tracks. ( a slow track and a fast track) by using the same images, and camera shots but just editing the shots in different and contrasting ways.

We kept the camera rolling but had our characters static, we moved the camera in various way;
swaying the camera
spinning whilst holding a hand held camera
track from side to side
constantly keeping the camera static

We focused on moving the camera in new/unique ways. We experiment with exciting and new movements. Some which we later one watched back in the editing suit realised were not as effective as we initially thought.

In the editing suit we added special effects such as changing the colour settings, and adding lighting strikes to the character props.

If we could re do the preliminary task we would have taken more still shots in order to create a vast variety of different locations positions and characters in order to make our short clips more engaging.

Below are our fast and slow sequence.